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This page covers sliding movement tech. Click here to go to the main Controls hub page and access other movement tech pages.

Basic slide

Slides can be performed by pressing down and jump together while moving. A specific sound can be heard when performing a slide.

Pressing jump too late cancels the slide and cause a stumble.

Not holding forward long enough results in a shorter slide which cannot be jumped or flipped out of.


Basic slide-pounce

Jumping mid-slide results in a long pounce.

Pressing the second jump too early or late results in a smaller pounce.

Landing upright from pounce

It is not possible to change to an upright state mid-pounce, and so unless able to roll, Slugcat always lands in a crouched state, which slows them down.

This can be avoided by pressing jump on landing, to enter a temporary upright state, and then pressing up to switch to standing.

This also conserves momentum, which is extremely useful for exiting all pounces and roll chains.


This can be done by throwing an item backwards mid-slide, and greatly increases distance traveled. As with regular slides, holding forward is needed to get a full length slide.


Basic slide-flip

Pressing jump while holding backwards mid-slide results in a long slide-flip. This move is also called whiplash in the game code.

Note: To slide-flip correctly, down and forward must be released, and backwards held, before jump is pressed. The jump window is the same as for slide-pouncing.

Pressing jump and back too early results in a regular failed slide-pounce due to the shorter slide. Forward must be held long enough during a regular slide before performing a slide-flip.

If done in the pick-up range of an object while the Slugcat is capable of taking that object and has a free hand, the slide-flip also automatically picks it up and places it into their free hand.[1] This can allow safe retrieval of Spears that are stuck in a creature's body without spending enough time near it to risk being attacked.

Landing from a slide-flip allows chaining to a roll if down and a lateral directional button is held upon landing. The roll may be initialized both in the direction of the slide-flip and against it.

During slide-flipping, Slugcat is accelerated in the flip's direction, with a maximum speed. If Slugcat is pushed in the opposite direction without cancelling the flip, such as by ✔️DLC Artificer's bomb jumping, the acceleration of the slide-flip eventually cancels out the push.

Slideflipping to pass lizards

Slideflipping can be used to safely pass Lizards without being caught. This works for Lizards with high aggression.


Slugcat can also throw downwards mid-slideflip.

Downthrown Spears can pin a creature to the ground.


  1. When playing as Hunter, doing this while not having a spear on the back and holding a spear in one hand results in the free hand picking up a second spear. In this state, a third spear can be picked up normally, which will be placed on the back.