Slugcat can carry, throw, and use a variety of objects to assist in survival. They can carry up to 2 objects at a time and throw or drop the object carried in their right hand (viewer's left) first. The player can swap the objects in Slugcat's hands by double tapping . Certain objects can be carried in Slugcat's stomach by holding , and then regurgitated by holding again. Note that since this shares the same input as eating, Slugcat eats any food being carried before swallowing or regurgitating unless they are already full. Objects can also be dropped by holding and , which does not trigger any on-throw effects for items such as Explosives. More details on object management can be found on the Controls page.
Most objects do not despawn when stored in shelters, even if the player is not in the same chamber. This is useful for storing food, weapons, or other valuable items, since most objects are spawned procedurally and may not appear in the same place on subsequent cycles.
After Slugcat interacts with a placed object, it will not immediately respawn on the next cycle, but a counter will be set for the amount of cycles that the item will respawn in. The required interaction differs for each object, most commonly grabbing it is enough. The length of the counter is typically randomised with the lower and upper bounds depending on the object type, but some object placements directly specify a length, which may be outside of these bounds. The counter decrements on each successful cycle and on death, if Slugcat had Karma before dying. As Monk, deaths always decrement the counter. As Survivor, a death at Karma 2 and above decrements the counter 50% of the time. Karma Flowers have special handling in which the interaction gets preserved even if Slugcat didn't survive the cycle, but every death and survived cycle contributes towards the counter.
minimumCertain objects can be given as gifts to Scavengers to raise Slugcat's reputation with them and obtain new items.