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Downpour-Exclusive Content

This page contains content exclusive to the Downpour DLC. This content is not available in the base game.

Code name
Food Pips

1 🌕 As MonkAs Survivor

0.25 🌘 As Hunter

✔️DLC1 🌕 As GourmandAs RivuletAs Saint

✔️DLC0.25 🌘 As Artificer

✔️DLCInedible As Spearmaster

Locations (amount)
Respawn time

Seeds are the edible singular kernels of the Popcorn Plant that detach from the cob during blizzards in Saint's campaign. Seeds do not spawn naturally in other campaigns.



Seeds act as a food source, filling up 1 food pip 🌕 (¼ of a food pip 🌘 as Hunter and Artificer) when eaten.


Seeds can be found when the blizzard becomes intense enough to unwrap Popcorn Plants, causing the Popcorn Plant to fade to a deep blue hue and drop 4-5 Seeds on the ground. These Seeds can then be picked up and eaten.

This unique interaction can be useful when Saint otherwise lacks enough food to hibernate without starving. By waiting near a Popcorn Plant close to a Shelter, the player can obtain food and then hibernate before freezing to death.

They can also be crafted by Gourmand.

A Popcorn Plant popping in the blizzard
This section contains major plot details from Saint. If you have not made significant progress or completed the game as Saint, then read no further!

Once Saint has reached the state of attunement, one can utilize their "ascension" ability to force Popcorn Plants to drop their Seeds.

Spoilers end here.


  • Seeds are the fastest item to eat in the game.