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This page is a translated version of the page Spear and the translation is 14% complete.
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由於矛嘅數量較多且使用便捷,佢成為了雨世界里最為穩定可靠嘅傷害來源。小型嘅生物只需一兩矛就能擊殺,仲多嘅矛擊則可以抵御甚至殺死大型捕食者。用力投擲長矛可以將貼近牆壁嘅生物釘喺牆上,使其短期內無法郁。;單次矛擊傷害與 蛞蝓貓嘅種類有關, 僧侶✔️DLC 聖徒In Expedition ???為0.6-0.9, 求生者✔️DLC 溪流為1.0, 獵手✔️DLC 工匠✔️DLC 矛大師為1.25,✔️DLC 饕餮喺非力竭嘅情況下傷害值為驚人嘅3.0,但代價係容易精疲力竭,此時身體虛弱且矛擊傷害僅為0.3。

Spears embed into creatures upon successful hits, and they can be pulled out and reused in order to deal more damage. A Spear that hits a target can only be picked up again after a short cooldown, which can be circumvented by using multiple Spears.

Throwing a Spear at a creature against a surface can pin them, rendering them immobile for a short period of time.

Certain types of collisions cause Spears to bounce off harmlessly, such as when hitting a 蜥蜴's armored head, colliding with another Spear midair, or hitting terrain that cannot be embedded in.

喺收集資源時,矛也會有所幫助。掟出嘅長矛可以串起 蝠蠅、打開 爆米花、擊落藤蔓上嘅 藍果,抑或通過擊中 禿鷲嘅頭部底端將面具從佢嘅臉上戳落嚟。

Spears cannot be swallowed, and most Slugcats can only hold 1 Spear at a time. 獵手 can store a second Spear on their back, and ✔️DLC 矛大師 can hold 2 at once. ✔️DLC 聖徒 is normally unable to throw Spears, but is able to do so in Expedition.

Spear Damage

The damage a Spear deals varies depending on the 蛞蝓貓. The following table details the amount of Spear damage each Slugcat deals.

[*] Damage value is randomized on throw between 0.6 and 0.9, with a mean of 0.66 and a median of 0.61875.

Spear Lodging

Slugcat using Spears as poles

Spears can be thrown and lodged into most solid surfaces, functioning as short climbable poles and allowing the player to reach otherwise inaccessible areas. Spears can be lodged into floors or ceilings via a down-throw or up-throw respectively. It is also possible to lodge Spears into ceilings by performing a slide-throw at a slope, although this is very niche.

Spears embedded into surfaces fall out after 3-6 cycles. They can be found near the spot where they were embedded, guaranteeing a Spear spawn in that area.

Once embedded, Spears cannot be pulled out of surfaces unless the Remix option "Pull spears from walls" is enabled. ✔️DLC 工匠 is always able to pull Spears out of surfaces regardless of whether this option is enabled.


矛可送畀 垃圾佬,以換攞其他低價值物品,同時略微提升好感度。4個長矛嘅總交易價值為12,足以安全著過 Scavenger Toll,如果冇 Pearl可用,呢一替代方案就可派上用場。


石塊 spawning in at the start of a cycle have a 20% (1/5) chance of being a Spear instead. As Hunter, the base chance is raised to the power of 0.85, resulting in a chance of approximately 25% (1/4). Additionally, spots that require Spear lodging to progress often have multiple fixed Spear spawns.


  • 長矛可以喺半空中相互碰撞並偏轉。
  • 再次拎返長矛之前嘅冷卻時間為精確嘅15幀(0.375秒)。
  • 嵌入堅固表面嘅長矛會喺3-6個循環後脫落。佢哋會掉落喺嵌入點附近,能夠保證此處必定生成長矛。
  • 當使用 獵手時,可通過滑行反彈會自動拾攞嘅機制,雙持長矛。
  • 喺循環開始時生成嘅 石塊有20%(1/5)嘅幾率碧畀替換為長矛。喺獵手模式種,基礎概率嘅權重提高到0.85,總概率約為25%(1/5)。此外,需要喺牆上插矛嚟前進嘅地方通常會生成多個固定嘅長矛。
  • 向上投掟嘅傷害低於水平投掟,並且唔受蛞蝓貓傷害數值或特殊狀態嘅影響。
    • 呢一特性唔會影響投擲數值已經較低嘅蛞蝓貓,例如 僧侶或挨餓嘅蛞蝓貓。除此之外,掟矛傷害原本係隨機波動嘅,所以佢哋嘅上投矛傷害甚至可能比其他蛞蝓貓仲高。