This section contains major plot details from Spearmaster. If you have not made significant progress or completed the game as Spearmaster, then read no further!
Broadcasts are collectible tokens found exclusively in Spearmaster's campaign. Upon interaction, rows of text appear sequentially by rapidly displaying the characters one by one, which when fully read provide a unique conversation or report that has been sent in the local Iterator group.
The names in this list are unofficial The entries in this list have no official names, other than code names listed in brackets. For easier page navigation, unofficial names have been created. If you want to make a suggestion, visit the talk page. |
White and Gray Broadcasts are found in the order they are listed below (same as the Collection Menu) and always read sequentially, regardless of the location of the token. White Broadcasts can be found at any time, while Gray Broadcasts can only be found after meeting Five Pebbles. Certain Gray Broadcasts can only be found in a specific location, such as the two Broadcasts in Pipeyard. If these locations are visited before meeting Five Pebbles, they output a White Broadcast instead.
Colored Broadcasts contain unique dialogue for each token, with each individual entry found only at a specific stalk within a region, and as such can be encountered at any time and in any order.
While all Broadcasts lack specific names, unofficial ones have been given to those which can appear in any region for the sake of clarity.
Pre-Five Pebbles
They Already Have • White 1 (LP_0)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
SRS: I can't stop dwelling over mistakes that I've made. I could just delete those memories of course, but that feels irresponsible.
NSH: Oh? What kind of mistakes are we talking about here?
SRS: I once gave someone some... sensitive information... the kind that could be dangerous if acted on.
SRS: Yet I should have known they weren't in the right state to use that information responsibly.
NSH: I take it you won't tell me the content, or to who.
SRS: No, I will not, out of respect.
NSH: Look, if you ever want to talk about it I can. We can share this little problem of yours. We were made to solve them after all!
NSH: You're worried they're going to get themselves hurt by messing it up?
SRS: They already have.
Plan in Motion • White 2 (LP_1)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
NSH: It's pretty clear to me who you're talking about. Though I won't say who, out of respect ~
SRS: Please don't mock me, this is serious.
SRS: The fact is, he really looked up to me. As much as I gave him a hard time, that's not something I took lightly.
NSH: You're not the only one worried about him. I understand your position, but blaming yourself isn't productive.
SRS: I understand that. I truly do. At this point we need to be taking action.
NSH: I agree, but unfortunately there's not much that we can do being locked up in a box.
NSH: Even less so that he's cut off all communication and is rejecting all help from the outside world.
SRS: That may not be an issue, necessarily. I've already set a certain plan in motion...
Sending Information • White 3 (LP_2)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
SRS: Do you know how I sent the sensitive information last time? It certainly wasn't over the broadcast network.
SRS: I purposed a messenger, and sent the information by land via a data pearl.
NSH: How original of you.
SRS: I learned from the best. At least I used it for something more... practical.
NSH: If you call that practical, sure. Look how well things turned out ~
SRS: ...
SRS: Regardless, the fact is the method worked fine last time. The info was delivered, and the messenger even returned safely.
SRS: So, I've recently sent it out again to deliver another message, despite the closed communication lines.
NSH: With how this situation has evolved, that's going to be quite the dangerous trip compared to before.
SRS: Again, that may not be an issue. I've outfitted my messenger with all it needs to protect itself.
Care Package • White 4 (LP_3)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
NSH: I am worried right now, to be honest.
SRS: Why is that?
NSH: It's about Looks To The Moon. She's very close to Five Pebbles, and she's a very dear friend of mine.
SRS: Oh, right... no one has been able to contact her since...
NSH: Exactly. She wouldn't willingly tune us out. I worry that her systems are incredibly damaged.
SRS: There isn't much we can do, is there?
NSH: We just have to try to help her the best we can. For now I'm going to hold out hope that she'll eventually respond.
SRS: What if she doesn't?
NSH: I may send a little care package if things get desperate enough.
Attachment • White 5 (LP_4)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
SRS: ...
NSH: What is the matter?
SRS: For what I'm about to admit, I know you'll tease me.
SRS: Despite that, I confess I am growing attached to the messenger I sent out.
NSH: Hah! So you've gotten a soft spot for it? ~
SRS: Well... Yes. They are a very expressive little creature...
NSH: I only recall that you used to be repulsed by them.
SRS: Yes, but with all the time I've invested, I've come to care for its safety.
SRS: Not only just because it's delivering an important message.
NSH: I am going to tell everyone this juicy information ~
SRS: No you are not!
NSH: I know, I kid.
SRS: Anyway... I just hope that it can return back to me safely. And perhaps forgive me for this difficult quest...
A Name • White 6 (LP_5)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
NSH: Tell me more about this messenger. Do they have a name?
SRS: Well, their test number is 07. So I guess that would be their name.
NSH: That name doesn't have much personality though, does it? Don't you think something else might be better?
SRS: You're not wrong on that. More of a placeholder than anything.
SRS: I'll think of some ideas for a name.
NSH: You shouldn't do that until they return to you. Don't get too ahead of yourself.
SRS: ... You're right. Perhaps just 'Messenger' is best... For now.
World Warmth • White 7 (LP_6)
GS: So, what do you think is going to happen to the world? Once we all... you know.
HR: Discover a reproducable, portable, and global solution for ascension, or when we all drop dead?
GS: Well, in either case really.
HR: I'm not really sure myself. At this point I think our rain might be the only source of heat on the surface. It has been that way for a very long time.
GS: There are so few records of the world before we were made, but it all seems so different. Do you think it will someday look like that again?
HR: I don't think so. At least not for a very long time.
GS: Oh...
HR: ...
NGI: Transcendental Inversion! Transcendental Inversion!!
HR: Oh not this again!
Post-Five Pebbles
Furious • Gray 1 (LP_0_PEB)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
SRS: Oh no...
NSH: What is the matter?
SRS: ...
SRS: ...I'm sorry. I need a moment.
NSH: Seven Red Suns, are you okay?
SRS: ...The messenger made it to Five Pebbles.
SRS: He... He was so furious...
Humiliated • Gray 2 (LP_1_PEB)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
SRS: I'm just so frustrated.
SRS: I feel like I've doomed not one, but two iterators.
SRS: And in the whole process I've lost a great friend, who won't even let me help him.
NSH: We make mistakes, it'll be okay. You know Five Pebbles really looks up to you.
SRS: Yes, I know that, but...
NSH: I think he's scared. Scared, and humiliated. Unparalleled Innocence spreading the news probably made him feel even worse.
SRS: ...I think you're right.
Sturdy Creature • Gray 3 (LP_2_PEB)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
NSH: You seem distracted. What's on your mind?
SRS: The little messenger I sent out. I'm worried for its safety.
NSH: I'm sure it'll be okay. You said it's built to withstand a lot of things.
SRS: Yes, but... the pearl was inside of the messenger's chest. Last time, Five Pebbles was very gentle and careful with removing it.
SRS: This time, he simply slashed open the chest and ripped the pearl out. The messenger was struggling to stand.
NSH: They're sturdy creatures. I'm sure it'll heal overtime. You have to have more faith.
SRS: You're right. I guess I'm just scared of losing them. I've grown more attached than I could've expected...
SRS: If I lost them as well, I don't know what I'd do.
Complete Failure • Gray 4 (LP_3_PEB)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns. No Significant Harassment
NSH: So what's your plan now? Did you have a backup mission for the messenger or are you just bringing it back home?
SRS: No, it's over... to tell the truth, I don't even know if the messenger survived.
NSH: How could you not know? Aren't you surveying the situation with your overseers?
SRS: Pebbles destroyed the overseer I sent into his can. Then shortly afterwards I lost communication with the rest of my overseers inside his facility.
SRS: He must have applied a facility-wide lockdown.
NSH: That's quite a desperate measure. I know he's tired of being spied on, but is he allowed to do that?
SRS: There's no rules anymore. Who is going to stop him?
NSH: ...
NSH: You realize this is very bad news, right? That just complicates the issue further.
NSH: Your plan was a complete failure.
Watch in Horror • Gray 5 (LP_4_PEB)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
SRS: I'm noticing you are becoming more defensive. This obviously wasn't the end result I was aiming for, you know.
SRS: Please respond to my messages. I don't want to leave it like this. I need someone to talk to.
NSH: I don't mean to be cold, I'm just very worried.
NSH: The activity I'm seeing from Moon's can is becoming increasingly... concerning.
NSH: Our available options are rapidly diminishing, and I feel helpless to do anything.
NSH: I can just watch in horror.
SRS: ...
NSH: You should have sent the messenger to Moon instead of Pebbles.
SRS: Do you think that would have helped anything?
NSH: To be honest, no... I'm not sure that it would.
Tragic • Gray 6 (LP_5_PEB)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
SRS: I just don't understand... why hasn't Moon done anything about the situation herself?
SRS: She was appointed as Pebbles' superior. She has the power to stop him.
NSH: I've been very close with Moon, and I can tell you she is incredibly caring.
NSH: And while her kindness is one of her greatest attributes, it is also to her detriment.
SRS: Isn't this excessive, though? Surely she at least has a sense of self-preservation.
NSH: I'm sure she convinced herself that she could help Pebbles. That she could bring him under control with words rather than forced action.
NSH: She's probably still trying that now, unless her systems have degraded past the point of even allowing that.
NSH: That's why this is so tragic to me.
Big Setback • Gray 7 (LP_6_PEB)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
SRS: I remember talking with Five Pebbles not too long after he was first put online. He had a bit of defiance, even back then.
SRS: It was an odd situation, to be certain. It's quite rare for one iterator to be made the administrator of another. Just as rare as them being built right next to each other.
NSH: His lack of appreciation used to bother me. Moon was a great big sister to him!
SRS: Yes, absolutely. However, Five Pebbles had a very strong drive for independence. He was never one to want to be told what to do.
NSH: I think a lot of us were like that in the beginning. I remember being in that phase a very long time ago. It takes many iterations for our world views to develop and for us to realize the flaws in those lines of thinking.
NSH: Unfortunately, from what I've seen, Five Pebbles seems to have plateaued at that phase.
SRS: No, that's not true. I was helping him to get past it. We were making good progress, actually!
SRS: The current situation, however, is going to be a very big setback...
Communication • Gray 8 (LP_7_PEB)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
NSH: How much do you think they understand when we talk to them? The mark gives them linguistical cognizance, but it doesn't increase their intelligence. They're still just wild animals, after all.
NSH: I feel like I need to be simplifying my speech patterns. Is that something you do when conversing with your messenger?
SRS: I wouldn't know, I never gave them the mark.
NSH: Really now? Why wouldn't you? Did you just feel the need to add an extra layer of challenge onto this mission?
SRS: No, the problem with the mark is it's a one way communication. They can understand me, but I can't understand them.
SRS: I borrowed a coded language authored in the late period of the Yellow hegemonic dynasty. It used gestures and facial expressions as a silent method of communication with the seriously ill.
NSH: Well, that's certainly one way to go about it. You never cease to surprise me.
NSH: Communication with facial expressions though? Did you forget our puppet's face doesn't have articulation? ~
SRS: Yes, well, I had to improvise and use only body gestures, of course.
Future Messenger • Gray 9 (LP_8_PEB)
[LIVE BROADCAST] PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
SRS: But really, the problem with the mark is that it would draw attention from other iterators. They needed to sneak by Moon's and your own overseers after all.
NSH: Is that why the pearl was hidden inside the messenger as well?
SRS: Partly yes, even your overseers along the way would have caught them if they had been just carrying it. The pearl was also used as a way to influence their behavior. Giving them an instinct of where to go, and to not simply revert to more animalistic behaviors.
NSH: You really did plan for everything didn't you?
SRS: Unfortunately, I did not take Five Pebbles' impatience into account. The pearl would take a cycle or so to read without removal. Time he seemed to value more than my messenger...
NSH: I don't think we could send the same design of messenger in the future to Moon.
SRS: Yes, those messages would require more traditional methods of transport. However, we would only need to do so if her communications array is unresponsive after she collapses.
NSH: I'm not sure if I want to imagine that possibility.
Return • Gray 10 (LP_9_PEB)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
SRS: Do you suppose you'll ever raise another messenger?
NSH: If the need arises, I certainly would. After all, I started investigating the method out of the inevitability of our situation.
NSH: We are all slowly dying. By some miracle, our broadcast networks are still functioning, but there will come a time when they too will degrade into a lifeless prop.
NSH: When that time comes, we need alternate methods of communication.
SRS: Well, so far it seems the method at least has some efficacy.
SRS: We can at least say we were able to make a valiant effort to try to save Big Sister Moon.
NSH: I'm tempted to start work on raising another messenger as a last ditch effort, but to be honest I don't think there is any point.
NSH: Not to be a pessimist, but at this rate, there will be nothing left of Moon by the time that messenger would be ready to be sent out.
NSH: There's nothing better for me to do with my time, though.
SRS: Good luck with that. I'll keep you updated as to whether my messenger ever makes a return.
Region Specific
Industrial Complex • Light Blue (Chatlog_HI0)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Gazing Stars, Secluded Instinct
GS: Have you heard the rumors Unparalleled Innocence has been spreading?
SI: I've only heard bits and pieces, but I would love to hear more!
GS: They say that an iterator got the rot! And they have it bad!
SI: That's terrible. Did they mess up an experiment?
GS: It's believed so, yes. Everyone is trying to contact him, to find out what happened.
SI: Who is it, anyway?
GS: It's Five Pebbles - The one near Looks To The Moon.
SI: Isn't she his senior, enough to the point where she calls herself Big Sister Moon? What about asking her?
GS: Contact was lost with her as well. We still don't know what happened.
SI: This reminds me of the gossip from a while back, with Erratic Pulse. Did we ever hear back from him?
GS: Nope! I can't wait to! All of this gossiping really makes the cycles passing less dull.
SI: True, but don't we all have a job to do?
GS: I suppose so...
Drainage System • Dark Green (Chatlog_DS0)
EM: Wide area equipment failures are approaching unsafe thresholds.
EM: Notice - Estimated time to installation failure is at 90+ cycles.
EM: Module advises immediate repairs within the next 30 cycles.
Chimney Canopy • Light Brown (Chatlog_CC0)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - CLOSED GROUP [SLIVEROFOCEAN] all participants anonymous
WO: It was like a tournament?
EOC: It appeared to be something like that, but over territory.
WO: So you and Sliver of Straw took bets on it?
EOC: Well, it wasn't really a bet, more of an intuition of who we each thought would win.
WO: Well, which one did you choose?
EOC: I thought that the green creature was going to win. Sliver thought the red one was.
EOC: But to our surprise, a little cyan intruder won!
WO: Really? How did it manage that?
EOC: The other two had killed most of the competition. Then they were left to fight each other.
EOC: They both severely injured each other, and then the little cyan one came in and finished them off.
WO: Wow, such a little opportunist!
EOC: It was! Sliver and I joked about that little cyan creature often.
Garbage Wastes • Light Green 1 (Chatlog_GW0)
EM: Internal equipment failures have exceeded safe thresholds.
EM: Module is requesting repairs. 170th attempt.
EM: Notice - Seismic events in region have exceeded safe threshold.
EM: Module will continue to request repairs until repaired or function has ceased.
Garbage Wastes • Light Green 2 (Chatlog_GW1)
[[LOST HEADER INFORMATION]] - BROADCAST unknown group(NULL) No Significant Harassment, Big Sis Moon
NSH: Moon? It's me again.
NSH: I do not know if you are receiving these. Please signal in any way you can.
NSH: I need to talk to you. I need to know you're okay.
NSH: ...
NSH: It's difficult for us to assist you over this distance.
NSH: Even more difficult for us to do anything in the midst of these tantrums.
NSH: We're going to try everything that we can.
NSH: Just hold on a little longer.
Garbage Wastes • Light Green 3 (Chatlog_GW2)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PUBLIC GROUP [OMENSCAGE] Wandering Omen, Pleading Intellect
PI: You haven't heard about what No Significant Harassment did?
WO: All I heard was the complaining. Didn't he send an iterator something distasteful?
PI: Well, yes, but more importantly, he trained a purposed organism to deliver it!
WO: Why do that? Was it so distasteful that he was afraid to send it via the broadcast network?
PI: Just forward thinking. He's been experimenting with alternative communication methods.
PI: So that we all may stay in touch even once our broadcast machinery meets its end of life.
WO: What type of organism was it?
PI: It was based on one of those resourceful, wandering ones that go in pipes. An image should reach you in a few moments...
WO: ...
WO: I see...
WO: How do you even get a dull creature such as that to follow orders? I may consider asking him to teach me his ways.
PI: I wouldn't do that right now. Recent broadcasts from NSH seem like he's been on edge and stressed.
PI: I wonder what happened?
Shaded Citadel • Purple (Chatlog_SH0)
[[LOST HEADER INFORMATION]] - BROADCAST unknown group(NULL) No Significant Harassment, Big Sis Moon
NSH: Moon? Moon, are you able to communicate?
NSH: I am unsure if this broadcast will reach you. I do not know how damaged your systems are.
NSH: ...
NSH: Moon, hang in there. We're trying to help you.
NSH: I don't know if we can. But we're going to try.
NSH: We're going to try to see if we can get Five Pebbles to calm down.
NSH: If not... I have some ideas.
Waterfront Facility • Cyan 1 (Chatlog_LM0)
[DIRECT BROADCAST] PRIVATE, FORCED - Big Sister Moon, Five Pebbles
BSM: please
BSM: ... respond
BSM: you you you cannot
BSM: forced brbro -- not blockable
BSM: ...
BSM: i know ... receiving these
Waterfront Facility • Cyan 2 (Chatlog_LM1)
[DIRECT BROADCAST] PRIVATE - Five Pebbles, Big Sister Moon
FP: Please stop messaging me.
FP: I cannot help you.
FP: I cannot even help myself.
Sky Islands • Pink 1 (Chatlog_SI0)
[[ERROR]] UNABLE TO SEND - Malformed Message Header
Sky Islands • Pink 2 (Chatlog_SI1)
[[FILTER]] Message Blocked - All incoming sources are currently disabled.
NSH: Five Pebbles, I will say once again. You need to stop. Immediately.
NSH: I know you are going to trash this message like the rest, but...
NSH: I hope eventually when you are out of this state of mind you will look back at these.
NSH: Look back and reflect on all the regrets you've set yourself up to have.
Sky Islands • Pink 3 (Chatlog_SI2)
GS: So let me posit a scenario to all of you.
GS: Suppose someone broadcasts a triple affirmative. Suppose the solution is found and our jobs are finished. What then?
HR: Then we all travel beyond, I suppose.
GS: Yes, well... does that imply we are just searching for the solution for ourselves now?
GS: After all, the ones who originally wanted the solution are now extinct.
GS: The current fauna will likely not have a use for, nor the ability to comprehend the solution.
GS: And we'll no longer be operational by the time another advanced civilization comes into being.
GS: So why exactly are we doing all of this?
PI: Nothing better to do? Why do you think some of us spend so much time in these group chats? ~
GS: There are other problems we could be solving, surely. Better problems.
SI: Wow, more existential complaints? It's as if someone brings this topic up at least once every cycle...
Sky Islands • Pink 4 (Chatlog_SI3)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PUBLIC GROUP [OMENSGATE] all participants anonymous
SI: There was one particular grand master of cabinet, Seven Clouds Above Endless Canyons, who was quite abrasive in his indoctrination.
SI: To him, his beliefs were absolute and non-negotiable. To suggest otherwise was heresy.
SI: It was enough of an issue that a caste system was inherently formed around it.
SI: Those who strictly upheld the systems of his teachings were treated to the greatest luxuries of literature, art, and architecture.
SI: However, those who did not were damned to the worst living conditions imaginable.
SI: It was a particularly dark time for my colony.
WO: That sounds awful.
SI: What about you, do you have any stories about your inhabitants?
WO: Well, I'd say mine were quite obnoxious. They'd hold festivals and celebrations for arbitrary events practically every other cycle.
SI: Seriously? That sounds like a lot of fun to me. I would have gladly traded spaces with you.
WO: Hah, well, I guess thinking back on it now, there never was a dull moment while they were around.
Sky Islands • Pink 5 (Chatlog_SI4)
NGI: Transcendental Inversion! Transcendental Inversion!!
HR: You can keep saying that as many times as you want, it won't make it any less incorrect.
NGI: It's exactly what you'd want to use for pairwise heterozygous feature matching.
NGI: I've already given you the empirical evidence. It's not my fault you choose to ignore it.
HR: Any Transcendentalist will disagree with your evidence. You're showing a fundamental misunderstanding of what such an inversion mode would even achieve.
HR: First of all, unless you have at least two instances of sulfur cast molds which have sufficient entropy AND available trailing bonds, then any form of transcendental modification would be pointless.
GS: If you did have entropy that high, trailing bonds wouldn't be sustainable. It's an impossibility.
HR: Exactly! I'm glad there's at least someone in this group that knows what they're talking about.
NGI: I don't know why I even try to explain these things to any of you.
Sky Islands • Pink 6 (Chatlog_SI5)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PUBLIC GROUP [OMENSGATE] all participants anonymous
WO: I'm getting dusty.
WO: Dusty and old.
SI: Aren't we all? But surely you know the old anecdote about the building up of dust.
WO: That the ground keeps building upwards, trying to touch the sky?
SI: Yes! I find that idea quite comforting, actually.
SI: To know that while now I'm a superstructure, in the future I'll be a mountain.
SI: Doesn't that fill your spirit with anticipation?
WO: Not really...
Subterranean • Dark Brown (Chatlog_SB0)
[RECORDED BROADCAST : 1681.662] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, Chasing Wind
CW: Have you had any contact with Five Pebbles recently?
SRS: Not in a long while actually! Unless worrying about him counts.
CW: One of his neighbors, Unparalleled Innocence, sent an overseer to his can and got some images. They were made public in the local group, in an effort to be mean I suppose. There's no other way of putting it - he looks awful.
SRS: Tell me.
CW: He's got the rot, very badly. Big cysts have become mobile and are scattering down the west and middle legs. He does listen to you, and few others by now, so you should talk to him.
SRS: I will try to contact him. Does Moon know?
CW: Moon has been unavailable for some time.
[Pending upload to local group records by dispatched Overseer. Unit will enter read only state in 432 cycles. ]
Looks to the Moon • Dark Blue 1 (Chatlog_DM0)
[[ERROR]] UNABLE TO SEND - Malformed Message Header
BSM: If anyone is is receiving ... messages
BSM: problem
BSM: I'm not sure what to do.
BSM: Please respond.
Looks to the Moon • Dark Blue 2 (Chatlog_DM1)
Water: 45 %
Hydrocarbons: 105 %
Sulfur: 1210 %
Silicon: 410 %
Phosphates: 65 %
[!! WARNING !!] No water flow detected in CONDUITS: 03, 04, 07, 09, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23.
EM: Rapid cooling will be immediately scheduled for affected nodes. However, quantities of slag run-off may reach dangerous levels.
EM: Critical system-wide activities should be temporarily suspended to prevent retroactive damage from resulting seismic shocks.
EM: Rapid cooling is a preventative regulation only. EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE IS REQUIRED.
This table shows the regions that Broadcasts can be found in, as well as the specific rooms they appear in.
Region | Broadcasts | Room |
Outskirts | Story | SU_A17 |
Industrial Complex | Story | HI_B02 |
Light Blue | HI_A18 | |
Garbage Wastes | Light Green 1 | GW_D01_PAST |
Light Green 2 | GW_E02_PAST | |
Light Green 3 | GW_C04_PAST | |
Drainage System | Story | DS_A11 |
Dark Green | DS_A19 | |
Shaded Citadel | Story | SH_B03 |
Purple | SH_E05 | |
Pipeyard | Story | VS_A05 |
Story | VS_B10 | |
Chimney Canopy | Light Brown | CC_C11 |
The Exterior | Story | UW_J01 |
Five Pebbles | Story | SS_D08 |
Sky Islands | Pink 1 | SI_A07 |
Pink 2 | SI_A07 | |
Pink 3 | SI_B02 | |
Pink 4 | SI_C07 | |
Pink 5 | SI_D05 | |
Pink 6 | SI_B12 | |
Farm Arrays | Story | LF_D01 |
Subterranean | Story | SB_C07 |
Dark Brown | SB_F03 | |
Waterfront Facility | Story | LM_EDGE02 |
Cyan 1 | LM_B04 | |
Cyan 2 | LM_TOWER02 | |
Looks to the Moon | Dark Blue 1 | DM_WALL06 |
Dark Blue 2 | DM_U07 |