Vermherbo' estas senmova predanto trovita en pecetoj tra kelkaj el la pli malaltaj okcidentaj regionoj de la ludo. Ĝi ne povas esti damaĝita aŭ mortigita kaj devas esti evitita se la ludanto deziras preterpasi ĝin.
Ano de Vermherbo estas ovala laŭ formo, kun rondeta pinto kaj brilblua okulbuŝo, kiu malfermiĝas kiam atentite, kaj kutimas alkroĉi kaj treni predon subtere. Ĝia longo dependas de la pozicio ene de peceto; ĝenerale, la plej longaj fadenoj estas en la mezo, dum pli mallongaj estas pli proksime al la randoj. Ĝia koloro dependas de longeco; mallonga Vermherbo estas nigra, dum pli longaj fadenoj tendencas profundruĝi.
Abilities & Behavior
When alerted, Worm Grass stretches toward potential prey in an attempt to grab it. If successful, it limits the creature's mobility before eventually killing it. Gooieducks can be used to repel both types of Worm Grass and works best when crawling with one in hand without switching directions.
A creature's mass affects resistance to Worm Grass, meaning heavier Limakkatos like Ĉasisto and Gustumanto are more likely to survive it, while lighter Slugcats like Monaĥo and Lancmajstro are particularly vulnerable to it.
Worm Grass can be split into two varieties according to its size and properties:
Black Worm Grass
Black Worm Grass can be found in small patches in Outskirts, Farm Arrays, Subterranean, and Outer Expanse. While it is possible for Slugcat to run through it, standing in it for even a few seconds makes its grip too strong to overcome, leading to death. Black Worm Grass can be avoided indefinitely by running and jumping to break existing strand attachments.
Slugcat avoiding Black Worm Grass by running and jumping
Consuming Slugcat
Consuming a Squidcada
Red Worm Grass
Exclusive to the large swaths of Worm Grass found in Farm Arrays and in some areas of Outer Expanse, Red Worm Grass is far taller and stronger than its black counterpart. In Farm Arrays, riding a Rain Deer is the safest way of getting across, as any creature that happens to fall into a patch is consumed near instantly. It is possible to break existing attachments; however, this method is risky and only works with a few red strands at a time.
Worm Grass hunts by sight and is insensitive to sound and movement. This does not give the player much of an advantage against the grass, but it can be used to detect creatures off-screen. Rain Deer are easily spotted by Worm Grass from far away, and by judging the grass' reaction over time, the player can determine which direction they are walking.
Due to a rendering error, some patches of Worm Grass in Farm Arrays can appear white.
Red Worm Grass is capable of swiftly consuming some of the largest creatures in the game, including Daddy Long Legs, Vultures, and even Leviathans.